Home Insights National Omnichannel Team Launched in 6 Weeks for Key Respiratory Brand

National Omnichannel Team Launched in 6 Weeks for Key Respiratory Brand

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The Challenge

Build and deploy a national team of Clinical Sales Specialists (CSS) for a blue-chip UK Pharma company launching a key brand within their respiratory portfolio into a competitive market.

Implementing and managing four district phases across the project from January 2021; Planning / Recruitment / Training / Development (in June 2021).

Our Solution

Inizio Engage worked in partnership with the client to create the ideal candidate profile for the CSS role.​

An assessment center process was strategically designed to specifically meet client expectations and identify key competencies for success​.

An initial team of 30 CSS were recruited within 6 weeks to maximize sales pull through in identified early market access for the brand​.

Inizio Engage provided bespoke remote sales training as part of the team initial training, including provision & training of our in-house telephony system.​

Conducted ongoing in-field training support from a dedicated Sales Excellence Coach and Project Manager​.

  • 400 applications
  • 250 candidates screened
  • 128 Inizio Engage first stages
  • 82 candidate assessments
  • 30 job offers

The Results

97% of the CSS team successfully completed their probationary period​.

CSS recruitment continued to support subsequent client market access wins, median time from live vacancy to job offer was 20 working days​.

CSS headcount increased to 44 heads since project start in January 2021​.

CSS team activity metrics quickly increased to parity with client headcount teams​.

The contract was renewed into its third year, with the team being regarded as integral to the client’s ‘Field Force Powerhouse’ vision.​

Six Clinical Sales Specialists have moved to client headcount roles reflecting the high quality of personnel provided throughout the project​.

  • 47% headcount increase across project
  • 97% completed probationary period
  • Median vacancy period: 20 working days