Clinical Educators Drive 35K Enrollments & Boost Patient Adherence

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Case Study (US)

The Challenge

Client requested highly skilled Clinical Educator team to assist patients to successfully navigate the on-boarding process as they start therapy.​

Clinical Educators help support ongoing patient adherence.​

Our Solution

Inizio Engage hired a team of 84 Clinical Educators to provide patients with supplemental training and support.

Hybrid team of full-time, part-time and on-demand Clinical Educators to accommodate geographical variances.​

The Results

  • Over 35,000 unique enrollments from phone, virtual and in-home interactions with Clinical Educators.
  • Average patient enrollment is 1,180 per month via web/phone/fax/mail (in year 3 of program)​.
  • Fax enrollments increased by 85%. ​
  • Average time to contact patient following enrollment is less than four hours​.
  • Patient satisfaction scores are 98%.  ​